Wednesday, July 28, 2004

So You Work in an Oppresive Workplace?: Welcher & Welcher - Barrister & Solicitors

So You Work in an Oppresive Workplace?: Welcher & Welcher - Barrister & Solicitors

Managing the Manager From Hell

Monday, July 26, 2004

Human Resource Consultants - Resolving Employee Issues

Human Resource Consultants - Resolving Employee Issues

Friday, July 23, 2004

Some caulking may be linked to cancer, Harvard study finds

Asbestosis Deaths...

Printer-Friendly Version

Sunday, July 11, 2004


Vivimos, pues, en el pais de las oportunidades; pero resulta que en un momento nos encontramos en terribles encrucijadas -sino en silla de ruedas, a seis pies bajo tierra; y si no, sufrimos toda clase de dolores y enfermedades que nos impiden seguir siendo productivos con la consecuencia funesta de no poder ayudar a los nuestros. Sufren nuestros hijos, nuestras esposas, nuestras familias -y nosotros mismos nos convertimos en pobres diablos porque no podemos traer el sustento a los nuestros.

Por falta de conocimiento perdemos las oportunidades que nos ofrece este maravilloso pais.

En este sitio trataremos de obtener ese conocimiento -pero lo logramos todos en equipo. Nadie libera a nadie, juntos nos liberamos. Todos tenemos la experiencia, todos sabemos sobre la seguridad en el trabajo - y aunque no lo sepas, ven y comparte tu inexperiencia. Y aquel que sabe, ven, y comparte ese conocimiento para continuar creciendo en la seguridad laboral.

Marcos Munoz
Outreach Trainer


We live,then, in the country of the opportunities; but it happens that in a moment we find ourselves in terrible crossroads -if not in wheelchairs, six feet under ground; and if not, we suffer all kind of illnesses and pains that stop us from being productive with the dark consequence of not being able to help our families. Our kids, wives and families suffer that consequence -and we become poor devils because we can't bring our daily bread to the table that belongs to the family.

The opportunities offered by this marvelous country are lost because of our lack of knowledge.

In this site we shall obtain that knowledge -but we will be successful as a team. Nobody liberates anybody, together we liberate ourselves. We all have
the experience. Every one of us have the knowledge about safey in the workplace -and even if you don't know, come and share with us your inexperience. And that one who knows, come, share with us that knowledge so that we continue growing in worksite safety.

Marcos Munoz
Outreach Trainer

Spanish Learning Blog.

Safety roofers you will love this site! Managed by STACEY.
You will find terrific Spanish lessons -easy to understand.

Log on and you will
be able to speak Spanish with your spanish co-workers in a
few weeks.

Monday, July 05, 2004

eLCOSH : Links to Related Sites

NIOSH Alert-Preventing Injuries and Deaths of Workers Who Operate or Work Near Forklifts

NIOSH - Steps to A HealthierUS WorkForce-Home

Emergency Preparedness for Business - Business Emergency Management Planning - NIOSH

NIOSH / Publications and Products

Diversity in NIOSH

OSHA Hispanic Safety and Health Summit

Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2004-05 Edition

