The Safety Roofer: You As A Safety Man.
Only you will protect yourself.
Safety Strengths:
-It's the believe of many that the safety officer's duty is to keep us safe; false.
-The worker keeps his own self safe.
-The employee implements the safety program.
Lesson learned:- If you are a safety roofer, you are a strong worker.
Healthy Attitude:
-You are productive and valuable.
-You are motivated and have a clear mind.
-You are a healthy worker, happy and financially stable.
Lesson learned: A safety roofer is a happy roofer.
Disabled Attitude:
-You can't bring food to the family's table, you will depend on settlement
and/or worker's compensation.
-Examples of injured fellow co-workers.
-You, your own asset.
Lesson learned: A disabled roofer creates a disabled family.
Fatality Attitude:
-You are completely terminated.
-OSHA fatality records, fall from roof -roofers 43(p) year 2002.
-Your family pay the price.
Lesson learned: A dead roofer delivers a poor family.
Real Life:
-So many cases around us.
-Our kids suffer the consequences.
Lesson Learned: Dead or disabled roofer, poor kids.
The Meaning Of All These:
-Be a roofer and a safety man at the same time.
-Safety is yours as an individual and as a team.
Marcos Munoz
Outreach Trainer
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Jose Lopez: As per your request the comment is deleted because of "The Safety Safety Roofer" mistake. Yes I wil expand the subject, and in our next meeting I will give you a floppy disk of The Safety Roofer toolbox talk. I do believe a worker fell from a roof and died; this happened last week (not in our worksite). Believe me that my toolbox talk this week will be PFAS -one more time... I will continue with the fall protection training/orientation,
because I do not want something like that to happen to
one of my co-workers.
Year 2002 fall from roof 43(p) -roofers.
Year 2002 all industries 5,524.
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